Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sample Cover Letters for Post-doctoral Candidates

The below cover letter samples will aid candidates looking for Post-doctoral positions.

Sample 1

Sample cover letter for first postdoctoral position

Dr. Thomas Lee
Department of Pharmacology
University of Texas
TX 78285
Dear Dr. Lee:
I am writing in response to your advertisement for a Postdoctoral position that appeared on June 29th, 2014.  Atpresent, I am a graduate student and expect to receive my doctoral degree byAugust 2015. My dissertation work is to investigate peptides isolated fromspider venom for novel antidepressant activity. I came to know from your advertisement and laboratory publications thatyour group is also involved in studying novel antidepressant drugs. Since mycurrent work and research interest is in the same line of research, I wouldlike to apply for this position.
My thesis work has demonstrated that the spider venom is a rich source for developing new antidepressant drugs. My research data shows that peptides from spider venom mediate antidepressant activity similar to classical antidepressant drugs. I have presented some of these data in the poster form at 34th annual meeting of Society of New Pharmacological Agents, Atlanta, Georgia.  I am also preparing a manuscript of my thesis work that will be communicated shortly to the Journal of Antidepressant Drugs.
As noted in my curriculum vitae, I have developed expertise in animal models of depression, immunohistochemical and molecular biology assays. I believe the position in your lab will support me to further develop my technical skills and also to contribute to your on-going project.
A copy of my curriculum and statement of research interest is enclosed. You will be receiving three letters of recommendation via email from my referees.  I am looking forward to hearing from you.
(Print your name and sign)

Sample 2

Cover letter for postdoctoral fellows seeking for second  postdoctoral position


Dr. Smith Fisher
Department of Neuroscience
University of New York
New York
Dear Dr. Fisher:
I write to apply for the position of Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Neuroscience at University of New York as advertised in on April 26th, 2014. Currently, I am working as a postdoctoral fellow in Prof.  Cork’s lab at University of Berlin.  
My postdoctoral work involves the multidisciplinary approach of neuroscience and computational biology to study the cause for epilepsy in infants. In this collaborative work, my role is to study epileptic behaviors in rodent models using EEG data. As my publications show I have demonstrated how we can combine neuroscience and computational techniques to identify the cause for development of epilepsy. I have participated in multiple scientific meetings and have presented my data. My next research interest is to use pharmacological agents to inhibit the development of epileptic behaviors. I believe that the position in your lab with aid me to fulfil this research goal.
Additionally, I am teaching Laboratory Neuroscience course for visiting scientists and doctoral students. With guidance from my research mentor, I developed both lecture and lab for the course. Furthermore, I have expertise in standardizing protocols to measure neurochemicals in the brain.  Publications from your lab indicate that your group also uses the same approach to address their hypothesis.   Therefore, my research interest and expertise fit with your lab’s ongoing projects.
I am very much excited about this position. I am eager to speak with you and discuss my possible contribution to your research projects. I look forward to hearing from you.
Alternate email.

Sample 3

Cover letter for senior postdoctoral fellows seeking for   postdoctoral position

Dear Dr. Jimmy Clifford,
I wish to apply for the Senior Postdoctoral position in the Department of Biochemistry at California Institute of Life Sciences advertised in the April 14th issue of Nature  At present;  I am a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas in the Department of Biochemistry. Dr. Jack Rambo is my research adviser.
My current research goals are focused toward understanding the molecular basis of drug addiction using proteomics approach. AS a research fellow at University of Texas, I have identified two novel proteins that play an important role in developing addictive behaviors in rodent models using biochemistry and molecular biology techniques (RT-PCR). I have published this finding in Nature (July 2014 issue). My future research plans are aimed to investigate an alteration in protein levels in different areas of rodent brain using proteomic method.  
As my curriculum vitae indicates, I have published seven papers to date in high-impact journals. I have been fortunate to collaborate with seniors scientists of our department as evidenced through my publications. I have received the best poster award at 44th Annual Meeting of Protein Biochemistry.  With my mentor Dr. Rambo, I have submitted a research proposal for possible funding (specify the funding source). 
I have enclosed my curriculum vitae, contact information of referees and one page of research interests. Please contact me if further information is needed.